+31(0)6 55 71 87 83 jacqueline@terhaar.co.nl

At the moment I am working as phone operator and receptionist. It’s fun for now but I know I can and I would like to do more. So I am looking for a different, more suitable job either in The Netherlands or abroad. Will you help me?

Hello … I’m so glad you have made the effort to click on a link and land on my website! I hope I can hold your attention just a little longer so I can explain the idea behind this site!

I am a spontaneous, energetic and spirited woman and am always up for new experiences, environments and people. I have worked in my own companies (Writewell, Quality Text and Expat Support in Amsterdam) most of my working life but would love to return to a real job. Why? Because over the past few years I was the director and only employee in my company and recently realized I am much more a team player.

Of course I can continue to work on my own but after having proved twice that I can independently set up a business from concept to realization, it seems a lot more fun and meaningful to use my experiences in your business for the next 15 years.

I am a passionate workaholic and live my life according to the motto “A day spent without learning something is a day wasted”. So over the last 2 years I trained myself to run a marathon and I take one course or training program after another. What I would like you to remember is that this ‘workhorse’ is by no means done yet, has mastered a lot of skills and … maybe the most important thing … is hugely motivated.

What I'd like

I would like a great job or partnership in which I’ll be able to inspire and get inspired. I like to structure and organize. I love to be creative (online) and am fascinated by social media. I am happy with people around me and listen carefully to a person’s needs and translate that into a product or service. I’m a committed worker and make a success of everything we tackle together.

What I have to offer

I want to dedicate myself 100% and use my energy and knowledge to help you achieve what you have in mind. That could be as a Personal Assistant, as an administrator, as a social media expert or as a ‘jack of all trades’ … it’s about what you need. “No I cannot.” does not exist in my vocabulary and I do not think in problems but only in solutions. That is how I live … and that is how I work.

My abilities

As an entrepreneur you never stop learning. I started with accounting, learned how to build websites and still manage Social Media accounts for several befriended entrepreneurs (and myself). I have great people skills and am very precise with numbers and letters. I am a generalist with a preference for activities that I can perform online. I am able to do a little from a lot 🙂  and if there is anything I don’t know yet I want to learn.

My inabilities

Being idle is one of the things I really cannot do, and I also have a problem with a 9 to 5 mentality. I like to work and I work until it is finished. Whether that means I’m working until midnight or work weekends … I’ll do whatever it takes!

Call or email me!

You will be able to ask me questions and direct contact gives you more insight into me than 20 websites!


My name is Jacqueline ter Haar and I’m looking for a great, new challenge. After having been an entrepreneur for nearly 30 years, I would now like to work with you in your company and use my creativity, thoroughness and analytical skills to make your business even more successful.

I started as an entrepreneur because it gave me the ability to combine work and a family, but my children have left home and I want to do the same…during the day 🙂 . I’m looking for an environment where I can inspire and be inspired, in which I can thrive by helping someone else to succeed and in which creating something and making this life a little better and more enjoyable takes up a central place.

It’s also possible you see potential in a merger between Expat Support and your own business. I am up for that as well and I can promise you that I will contribute my experience and extensive network to our joint venture.


Online: Microsoft Office; Building and maintaining websites, HTML, Questionnaires

Office     Wordpress       HTML     SurveyMonkey


Social Media

Hootsuite     Mailchimp     Facebook     LinkedIn    Twitter     Pinterest     Instagram


Administrative: accounting, project management, time management

Exact    Afas    AsanaOmnifocus Sidekick Trello        


Creative: copywriting, editing, translating, photo editing

Scrivener  Photoshop


Download my complete CV here.

Work experience:

In 2017 I took care of my terminally ill dad and when he died in December 2017 I thought the time was right to go look for a proper job. And after a remarkably short search period I started working in January 2018 for LievenseCSO in Bunnik. I enjoy the job, employer and colleagues but this is only a temporary job so I am still looking for something where I can be helpful and use my skills for the coming 10 years 🙂 .

ExpatIn 2012 I started another company, Expat Support in Amsterdam. In the 5 years of its existence I built a great community and large network and my work as administrative trouble shooter and (life) coach was not only immensely appreciated but also very rewarding.

In addition I did all the online marketing and sales activities, wrote articles, interviews and a book on Expat life in The Netherlands. I organised meetings and was planning and managing… and I did all the business administration and bookkeeping myself as well. How and with what will become clear when you look at the Skills tab.

However, as happens with a lot of small entrepreneurs, the enormous diversity of activities and not being able to find the right partners and co-workers became too much for me. In addition my dad became ill and I decided to live closer to him and terminate my company in Amsterdam

Designwell In 2005 I started another company next to Writewell because our customers wanted to see some expansion of services. I have named this, very originally, Designwell. Although I am not a web designer by trade, I do have the ability to structure and package information into an informative website. Initially in Content Management Systems that were custom built by my business partner Robert John Blom from RJBonline and currently in WordPress.

I create, build and maintain my own websites and those of several other friendly relations and customers. To get an idea of ​​the possibilities … this site, which I made to clarify my wishes for getting a job, took me all together less than a working week in time … and that’s including the texts which I wrote myself as well

WritewellIn 1992 I started Writewell together with my former partner. Initially, when we were just starting up, my duties consisted of translating, interviewing and sometimes a little editing. As the company grew, so did the tasks. I took on staff, was the office manager, did the administration and accounting and served as project manager.

In 2011 I handed down my part of the company and started Expat Support in Amsterdam. Writewell is still a thriving business and is working with companies who are, in some cases, happy clients for over 2 decades.

I obviously also worked before 1992…then as a proper employee. So I know what it’s like to work for a boss 🙂 . 1991-1992: office manager at Troostwijk Taxaties; 1991-1991: office manager at Bull; 1981-1985: administrative assistant at GAK; 1978-1981: secretary union FNV.

Download my complete CV here.

Courses and training:


  • Masterclass Blogging
  • Masterclass Networking
  • Masterclass Communication
  • Masterclass Joint Ventures
  • Masterclass Partnerships
  • Masterclass Remarkable product
  • Masterclass Strategy
  • Masterclass Social Media
  • Masterclass Video Marketing
  • Seminar Crowdfunding Secrets
  • Seminar MBA in 2 Days – Brian Tracey
  • Seminar Write Your Book
  • Seminar Master Presenter
  • Seminar Passive Business Income


  • Webdesign
  • Tex writing for Internet
  • HTML – publishing on internet
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Macromedia Flash
  • Interaction with Javascript
  • XML – publishing on internet
  • Web editing with Macromedia Dreamweaver
  • Introduction Internet and database
  • Cursus Dreamweaver UltraDev for E-commerce
  • Macromedia flash Actionscript
  • Introduction MS Access
  • ASP, Internet & database koppelingen


  • Effectief Leiding Geven
  • Coachen & Leidinggeven aan vrijwilligers


  • EHBO
  • CPR
  • Rampenbestrijding


  • Bookkeeping


Download my complete CV here.


1993-1994: Translation College Du-Eng / Eng-DuITV
1985-1988: Law University (not graduated)UniversiteitAmsterdam
1983-1985: pre-university educationJokeSmit
1973-1978: High SchoolHAL

Download my complete CV here.



Fluency (written and spoken) in English Limited command German, Danish, Spanish and French
Analytical skills Little patience with lazy people
Communication skills Or with people who do not take personal responsibility
Intelligence Perfectionist
Organization Talent No 9-tot-5 mentality
Positive attitude
No 9-tot-5 mentality

Download my complete CV here.

A little about the rest of me:


I believe in a society which we make with and for each other. I believe this should also a little volunteer work.  And volunteer work do you do ‘free’ … but that does not mean you cannot experience pleasure or you cannot learn something from it. All my volunteer jobs have taught me something and I am grateful that I was able to contribute my bit.

2014-present: Board Member Social Media for Former Students Organization Het Amsterdams Lyceum
2012-present: On- and offline presence and answering questions (in English) from the expat community (unpaid, as a volunteer)
2006-2009: organize activities for Crossroads Church
2006-2009: Establish a charitable foundation
1998-2006: Website committee and management, regional coordinator, coaching volunteers and support groups, peer support, editor at the magazine of the Association of Parents of Premature Children (VOC)
1989-1992: Volunteer with the Red Cross at events and festivals
1988-1992: Board member Peetersschool
1985-1987: Co-founding an unsubsidized daycare, a member of the Board of Directors


Besides my work and volunteer work I am also a passionate runner. I run about 3 or 4 times a week and in April 2015 I run the Rotterdam marathon in 4:43. I try to be an inspiration to other people over 50 and am therefore working on building an online community in my spare time.

In addition to sport and healthy living, I also love to travel (every year I try to visit a country that I’ve never been before. This desire brought me to Riga in 2015, to Marrakech in 2016 and to Vietnam in 2017…can’t wait where 2018 will bring me!. When I’m not travelling or running, I am studying (for pleasure I am currently training as a coach and as a nutritionist). Furthermore, of course, nothing but good things about my family and children and of course my dog 🙂 .


This where I live


15 + 8 =


Jacqueline ter Haar
Nieuwlandseweg 4
1215 AZ Hilversum
+31 (0)6 55 71 87 83